Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book


Jo Ann Hattner,


Curriculum Vitae

Public Speaking


AEProbio Interview


Susan Anderes MLIS


Associate Susan Anderes, MLIS

Susan Anderes, MLIS, combines a life-long interest in nutrition with professional experience in library research. Having worked in Stanford University's libraries for 20 years, including eleven years as a medical librarian, she relishes the hunt for nutrition information.

She received her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Davis and a Master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Library and Information Studies. Her work history includes 15 years of developing and managing websites for online nutrition courses at Stanford Medical School.

Home  :  Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book

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