Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book

The Book

Inside the Book




Why the Book

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The Book — the Secret for Wellness

The cure is within your body – the secret for wellness! You can restore what aging, stress and anxiety, lack of sleep, poor eating habits, exposure to infections, and illness have done to damage this natural process. Rather than take a bevy of pills, there is an urge to take better care of yourself and bolster your immune system. There is a natural way to bring internal health and enhanced immunity back. And it is not hard to do!

As a nutritionist at Stanford University Medical Center and in private practice, Jo Ann Hattner has counseled hundreds of patients with “digestive ills” and “bad stomachs” who have suffered chronic constipation, diarrhea, bloating and gas, which caused them general ill health. And she has found that the addition of specific strains of live probiotic cultures to their daily diets has had a remarkable effect on restoring their natural balance, and thus their health and comfort. Indeed, she is convinced that probiotic use in most people can result in fewer bouts of diarrhea, promote regularity, lessen gas and bloating, and yes, even enhance their sex life!

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