Mission  :  Jo Ann Hattner MPH RDN   :  Probiotics  :  Prebiotics  :  Resources  :  The Book







Stool Gazing

Transit time

Soy Yogurt


  • 1 quart unsweetened plain soy milk (fat content 5g per 8 oz.)

  • 1 portion thickener of choice — temperature and timing are different: • 2 teaspoons powdered gelatin or • 2 tablespoons tapioca starch

  • 1 sachet of non-dairy yogurt starter — I use Bella Bella.

Clean Your Jars

Pre wash your canning jars, lids and rings. I use wide mouth pint jars. Using an Instant Pot, add 1 cup of water to the inner pot, place the empty jars/containers you plan to use on a rack inside the inner pot, lock on the lid and set the valve to seal. Then press the Steam mode for 2 minutes. Let it cool naturally.

Heat, Cool and Ferment the Soy Milk

  1. Pour the soy milk into a saucepan.

  2. For Gelatin Thickener: Stir in 2 teaspoons while the soymilk is still cold. Warm the soy milk on medium heat until it reaches a temperature of 180°F.

  3. Start the fermenting gear: yogurt maker, instant cooker with yogurt setting, or other method. If there is a timer, set it to 18-24 hours at your discretion.

  4. Prepare the cold-water bath by putting ice and cold water in a bowl that will accommodate the saucepan.

  5. For Tapioca Thickener: When the soy milk has cooled to 140°F, mix 1 cup of the soy milk in a bowl with the tapioca starch and stir to remove lumps. Pour that mixture back into the rest of the warm soy milk.

  6. Cool the soy milk to 110-114°F. Mix 1 cup of the warm soy milk and the yogurt starter in a small bowl and stir to remove lumps. Pour that mixture into the rest of the 110°F soy milk. Stir or whisk thoroughly.

  7. Pour the soy milk mixture into your yogurt containers.

  8. Culture the yogurt for at least 12 hours. Culturing for up to 24 hours also works and results in a tangier taste.

  9. Refrigerate. Eat and enjoy!

Resources on Thickeners






Susan Anderes. Associate, Hattner Nutrition. www.gutinsight.com November 2021


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